New Requirements!
In years past all Scout ranks of Tiger through Arrow of Light have had to complete the cyber chip....well no more!
Now all Scout ranks Tiger to AOL must watch the age appropriate "protect yourself rules" video. The videos can be found on Scoutbook or under the rank advancement trail on our website.
Also don't forget about Duty to God!
This ain't no joke...April is HERE!
Vol. 4, Issue 7
The details are in and boy is it gonna be FUN!
Don't miss the Legion Campout, the theme will be Disabilities Awareness.
Saturday**Class A is expected to be worn until Lunch, during the lunch break scouts may change into Class B for the remainder of the day
Cubscouts should plan to arrive around 8am to setup their tents.
Opening Flags/Leave no Trace will be at 9am
After flags there will be a meet and greet with the Special Olympians and the local Service Dog Training group.
Lunch* Hotdogs Sponsored by the Legion
Mafeking Challenge...with a twist
Dinner*Taco Bar Sponsored by the Legion
Campfire Program
Lights out 10pm
Sunday*Class A
Breakfast*Pancakes Sponsored by the SAL
Interfaith Worship Service
Campsite tear down may start after the Interfaith Worship Service has concluded
Unfortunately, we will not be able to accommodate dietary needs or a general dislike for the menu. If you or your scout require, please bring a sack meal.
Cost is $20 a family and signup/payment is need at Pack night April 12th.
Other Important Notes!
Duty to God
All ranks Tiger and Up have a Duty to God requirement. You can find the details in your rank handbook, scoutbook, or on our website.
This requirement is to be completed with you and your scout based on your beliefs. Once all requirements have been completed report this to your den leader.
Out of this World
Who wants to explore Space? For those Wolf and higher scouts here is your chance. With all the other FUN going on the pack will not be hosting an in-person NOVA this year but a virtual one! All the steps needed can be found here on our website: NOVA
Just follow the steps as can start and stop as needed to work around your busy schedules.
Scoutbook Email Issue
Update: Scoutbook has managed to get scoutbook emails removed from the dreaded Blacklist.
However, calendar reminders remain inactive as they continue to research how to avoid a future blacklisting.
Please be sure to check the calendar for events and activities.
Popcorn Kernal Needed
It's hard to believe that popcorn season will be here again soon....and the pack needs a new Kernal!
A parent or leader is needed to help coordinator our selling efforts from July-November.
Popcorn is the only Pack fundraiser and helps keeps your dues down and the FUN poppin'!
Don't like popcorn but have another suggestion...bring it to committee. From popcorn sales our Pack and the Scouts each earn approximately $3,500.